5280Gourmet and 5280Market On tap kitchen Honey Mustard Pretzels Honey3.5 Oz. Mustard Pretzels are on Tap Kitchen first seasonal flavor to stick around and become a permanent option! This seasoning is as classic & addictive as ever but in this case made with just a few of the best quality ingredients, yielding a more sophisticated sweet & savory combination than ever. Order some today!
5280Gourmet and 5280Market On tap kitchen Honey Mustard Pretzels Honey3.5 Oz. Mustard Pretzels are on Tap Kitchen first seasonal flavor to stick around and become a permanent option! This seasoning is as classic & addictive as ever but in this case made with just a few of the best quality ingredients, yielding a more sophisticated sweet & savory combination than ever. Order some today!