5280 Market and 5280 Gourmet offer this wonderful Buf Buffalo Mozzarella Once you taste Mozzarella di Bufala you might never want regular mozzarella again. This gourmet water buffalo milk mozzarella is made by BUF Creamery in Colombia. Their water buffalos graze in the Andes mountains, full of rivers and lush grasses, producing rich and creamy milk.
5280 Market and 5280 Gourmet offer this wonderful Buf Buffalo Mozzarella Once you taste Mozzarella di Bufala you might never want regular mozzarella again. This gourmet water buffalo milk mozzarella is made by BUF Creamery in Colombia. Their water buffalos graze in the Andes mountains, full of rivers and lush grasses, producing rich and creamy milk.