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Ever wonder why Super market Flowers seem so much less then Florists ? Here are a few reasons
Yes in an ideal world competition is fair and we all have access to the same advantages, and as we all know this is far from true. There are a lot of good reasons why supermarket flowers are much less then flowers purchased at the florist . Being born on a flower farm and having worked in every aspect of the industry I have formed what I would consider a good well founded reasoning why this is.
1. Economy of scale
Purchasing truckloads ( planeloads ) and transporting truckloads of flowers is very different , in cost and handling. Large companies like Kroger and Amazon ( Wholefoods and King Soopers ) transport their on flowers, and can buy whole crops. This form of mass distribution is not Ideal for flowers as you can imagine, but is a significant Cost saving.
2 Loss Leader
Often flower departments are used to lure customers in and by offering products with low mark ups ( lower then florists can ) Florists departments are not required to make money ( as you can see in the tremendous amount of waste ) and are often ran under the produce department umbrella.
3 Lower Quality
Having been a supplier in the early years of my career, I can state as a fact that the quality of flowers is definitely inferior to florist flowers.
Finally as a florist now I can tell you that even with these markups that might seem very high , we florists are not "raking it in " as the supermarkets are. We are currently struggling for our survival , even as I must say our clients have been fantastic during this pandemic and support has been amazing. Save the local florist , bakery, butcher and small restaurant. Who wants to live in a world where the only choices are Amazon, Costco or King Soopers